Neurostim - Neuromuscular Stimulator

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Neuropathy Therapy Stimulator – Neurostim


The effectiveness of electrical neuromuscular stimulation has been clearly demonstrated through numerous studies, and since it’s not dangerous or harmful, it is generally considered to be among the better treatment options for many patients. Prescription painkillers can be addictive and may force the patient to have dependence on the substance. Anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications, another form of diabetic neuropathy treatment, may carry side effects like drowsiness, dizziness and nausea. These can interfere with your everyday life and make it difficult to carry on a normal routine. In the end, many people find that combining drugs for pain along with electrical neuromuscular stimulation is the best way to relieve the discomfort associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Application of electrical stimulation may provide a novel treatment option for large and small fiber neuropathy in persons with diabetes. Large and small nerve neuropathy alters pain, proprioception, touch perception, and motor function, which cause burning foot pain and serve as protective mechanisms from ulcerations.

Unlike TENS, our Neurostim does not block the pain, instead reeducate the nerve path and thereby produce better results over a period of few weeks.

Neurostim is a user-friendly and portable device that sends tiny electrical signals to nerves and muscles. As these signal are exactly like normal nerve signals but much larger, these are able to wake up sleeping nerves and strengthen muscles. These signals travel from one foot, up the leg, across the lower back and then back down the opposite leg to the other foot. Then these reverse their direction and returns to the original foot. This not only successfully treats all the nerves of both legs and feet but also stimulates the muscles of the calves, thus increasing overall muscle tone and blood circulation. It opens up the nerve paths, which re-learn these paths for passing normal signals.

NEUROSTIM helps in healing by accomplishing the following:

  • Stimulates leg muscles to contract and relax thereby increasing blood velocity and volume
  • Stimulates all the afferent and efferent nerves in the lower extremities with a signal larger than normal to re-establish the pathways for subsequent normal signal to follow
  • Draws axon and dendrite nerve endings closer together to facilitate proper nerve transmission
  • Builds residual pain relief each time the system is used
  • Causes the brain to release endorphins that reduce global pain and anxiety
  • Promotes healing of non plantar surface diabetic skin ulcers and sprains
  • Increases muscle strength for safe, pain free walking
  • Promotes better mobility and balance during the course of treatment
  • Reduces edema as muscle contractions encourage lymphatic drainage
  • Increases collateral circulation, stimulating vasogenesis

NEUROSTIM has proven to be highly effective in treating a number of conditions, such as: Diabetic Nerve Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinising polyneuropathy, Muscle Spasms, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Venous Stasis, Stroke Rehabilitation, Symptoms Related to Lymph Disease, Symptoms Related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Neurostim – Home:

A hand held device with dual channel of stimulation outputs. Designed for the patients use at home. Built-in dual mode of treatment provides Neuromuscular Stimulation (NST) and Muscle Stimulation(EMS). NST mode is used for the DPN pain and numbness. EMS is used for strengthening of the muscles. A combination therapy of both NST & EMS provides longer lasting results. Most patient feel the difference after five days of usage. Reduces the pain, improves the balance and motivates the patient to walk confidently. Helps the patient to sleep without the nagging burning sense and pain.


  • Dual adjustable stimulation output
  • Delivers adjustable output voltage of 90 volts against a load of 4.7 K. Ohms
  • Built-in dual mode of NST & EMS.
  • Built-in rechargeable battery provides 8 hours of continuous operation in NST and EMS modes when works with full load after one full charge.
  • Battery standby duration is more than 15 days
  • Supplied with 2 pairs of two inch conductive rubber electrodes
  • Supplied with one pair of conductive reusable socks
  • Supplied with one pair of conductive footwear type electrode to cover larger area
  • Built-in timer stops the therapy at the end of 30 minute

Neurostim – Hospital:

A table top device designed for the use at hospital with dual channel of stimulation outputs. Three important modes of treatment provides Neuromuscular Stimulation (NST), Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation(TENS).

NST mode is used for the DPN pain and numbness. EMS is used for strengthening of the muscles. A combination therapy of both NST & EMS provides longer lasting results. Most patient feel the difference after five days of usage. Reduces the pain, improves the balance and motivates the patient to walk confidently. Helps the patient to sleep without the nagging burning sense and pain.


  • Dual independent adjustable stimulation output
  • Delivers adjustable output voltage of 90 volts against a load of 4.7 K. Ohms
  • Built-in modes of NST, EMS & TENS.
  • Operates on mains 230Volts
  • Supplied with 2 pairs of two inch conductive rubber electrodes
  • Supplied with one pair of conductive reusable socks
  • Supplied with one pair of conductive gloves for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Supplied with one pair of conductive footwear type electrode to cover larger area

Product Catalog:

Product Catalog: Neuropathy Therapy Stimulator – Neurostim


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